We were notified by First Student that due to a higher than normal shortage of bus drivers today, there will be buses ruing late to their scheduled bus stop. Please monitor your student's bus stops.
Also, all changes to buses have been entered into the First View App. You can use this app to track your student's bus and be informed of any bus number changes. We appreciate your patience and cooperation this morning.
Tomorrow is our glow reading family event from 1:30-2:30! Families and students are encouraged to wear white or neon colors!
Fall picture retakes will be on Wednesday!
Families are invited to join us Thursday, November 16th from 1:30-2:30 for some engaging glow activities that promote family reading!
Tomorrow is Freaky Friday! Students should come dressed like a teacher, and teachers will come dressed like students! Bring your dollars to add to our United Way Donation!
Tomorrow is decades day! Students are able to dress from any decade they choose. Students can also bring in quarters to put toward our United Way donation!
Today is Wacky Wednesday! Students are invited to wear their wackiest outfit or accessory! Students can also bring in dimes for our United Way donation!
Tomorrow is Tricky Tuesday! Students are invited to wear a costume to school. No masks, weapons, or face paint allowed. Students can bring in nickels that will go towards our United Way donation.
Tomorrow begins our United Way spirit week! Tomorrow will be move it Monday! Students are invited to wear their workout gear and bring in some pennies that will go towards our donation to the United Way.
Next week we are having a United Way spirit week! Students are invited to bring in change each day that will go to United Way, but that is not required to participate in the spirit activities.
Movin' Monday-Wear workout gear.
Tricky Tuesday-Wear your costume (no masks, weapons, or face paint of any kind).
Wacky Wednesday- Wear your wackiest outfit or accessories.
Throw Back Thursday- Dress in your favorite decade.
Freaky Friday- Teachers dress like students and students dress like teachers.
Don't forget that tomorrow evening is our Trunk or Treat event at Addams from 5:30-6:30! Students are invited to wear school appropriate costumes to this event!
Also, our United Way campaign begins tomorrow! For the rest of the week, students can bring in any amount of change to make a donation towards our campaign. Slushies will be sold for $1 on Thursday during recess. Students will also be able to buy raffle tickets throughout the week to have a chance to pie in a staff member in the face. All money collected will go towards to the United Way.
Fall picture retake day will be Wednesday, November 15th!
Join the Springfield Police Department at their Halloween safety event on Monday, October 30th from 5-7. Click on the image for more info!
First Student is putting on a fun Trick or Treat event on Saturday, October 21st from 7pm-9pm. Click on the image for more information!
Dismissal will be at 2:30 today and Thursday. Also, when you are in the building for parent/teacher conferences this week, please stop and take a look at the lost and found table if your student is missing anything. There are a lot of sweatshirts, jackets, and coats that have been found throughout the building so far this year. The items that are not claimed by the end of the week will be donated to Goodwill.
LLCC is offering three baseball camps this fall/winter. Check out the image for more information!
iPads or Chromebooks will be sent home this afternoon and every Tuesday for the rest of the school year. This is so students can practice with their devices at home in case we have an e-learning day this winter. Teachers will assign an activity for students to complete on their devices every Tuesday. The activity will be on an app students will be using if we were to have an e-learning day. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions!
We are having Parent/Teacher conferences this Thursday evening and Friday during the school day. There will be a 2:30 dismissal on Thursday due to the parent/teacher conferences taking place.
Don't forget today is Where Are You Going Wednesday. Students are invited to wear college/career attire... middle school/high school/college shirts or colors, shirts that feature a local business, or shirts that feature anything else career related!
There will be no school on Monday due to Indigenous Peoples' Day.